Lab & Industry Tour > ITEC-LabDon’t miss ITEC-Lab tour on Monday morning, 5 October, from 9:30 to 12:00. At the heart of component analysis During this half-day event, you will be able to participate in various workshops which show how different tools are used for analyses. In particular, we will highlight the difficulties implementing the techniques, the results that can be obtained, and the application field and performances of each tool. You will be able to go to the following workshops: Workshop 1: The FIB (Focus Ion Beam) At this workshop, you will discover how the FIB is used to perform cuts, reconfigurations, TEM lamella preparations and in-situ analyses with submicronic resolution. There are several applications: failure analysis, construction analysis, circuit edit and hardware security mechanisms inhibition. Workshop 2: Sample preparation For each situation and for each component, we have various preparation methods available: chemical etching (wet and dry), polishing and mechanical micro-drilling, laser ablation… The experts will answer your questions and will show you a demo of the laser tool. Workshop 3: Electrical testing In order to precisely and completely characterize an integrated circuit, or to perform an electrical diagnostic on a failed circuit, one needs the right test equipment and the right competences to use them. You will know more about our testing capabilities and knowhow. Workshop 4: X-Ray Computed Tomography Thanks to X-ray images, and more precisely to its 3D version, computed tomography, it is possible to analyse without de-processing, to perform virtual cross sections, to localize defects and more. Do not hesitate to come with an unusual object; we will see what is inside! Workshop 5: Do you like MEMS? MEMS components are everywhere: accelerometers, multiple sensors, actuators… they revolutionize our systems, but to analyse them we need the right characterization tools. Discover more about the methods and tools which allow us to acquire the physical characteristics which are indispensable to the correct handling of these objects. Workshop 6: Light emission and laser tests When a circuit presents millions of transistors which are hidden behind several layers of metal interconnection, its analysis becomes very complex. Come and discover how we use dynamic light emission and laser stimulation techniques to make components “talk”. Workshop 7: EBSD, microscopy for material analysis At the micro scale, most materials are composed of quasi-perfect atom alignments: grains. These provide precious information on the thermal or mechanical phenomena that have occurred to a given object. How much stress has been applied to the material? What is the root cause of a crack generation? The EBSD microscopy technique can answer these questions. Workshop 8: Defect localization When you perform a failure analysis, one of the first steps is fault isolation and localization. It is a very important step because if we cannot precisely pinpoint the area of the defect, the following de-processing will not be able to show us the root cause. We will show you how we use different tools and techniques, such as Lock-in Thermography and Magnetic Current Imaging to locate defects from assembly to die levels. Workshop 9: Microscopes When the defect is very small our eyes are no longer enough! Luckily, we can magnify them thanks to optical microscopes, and go even further with electronic microscopes. How do they work? What can we see? What is the contrast? What is the zoom level? Come and meet our specialists and discover components at a different scale…
Few words about ITEC-Lab ITEC-lab is a well-equipped platform shared by CNES, Thales, Elemca and Intraspec Technologies at CNES facilities, Toulouse Space Centre, 18 av E. Belin, 31400 TOULOUSE, France, https://cnes.fr/en/web/CNES-en/3801-cnes-facilities.php
How to register ? Registration is closed. ITEC-Lab is in restricted access area. ESREF attendees who would like to visit ITEC-Lab have to register as soon as possible. The following pieces of information are needed:
Please register now, by sending an email to visit-ITEC-Lab@esref2015.org with ITEC-lab tour as subject and needed pieces of information in the message. Number of visitors is limited and registration will be based on first registration date. ESREF badges and other logistic pieces of information will be sent to lab tour participants. |
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