ESREF 2015 Tutorials
Tutorial chairs : Peter JACOB (, EMPA (Switzerland), Giovanni BUSATTO (, University of Cassino (Italy)
Within the frame of ESREF 2015, we offer a series of attractive tutorials on important issues of electronics. Since avionic and aeronautic applications are in focus of this year’s conference, related tutorials deal with reliability and power electronics as well as PCB- and system-related analysis and anamnesis approaches towards root cause finding. Take the opportunity looking beyond the scope of device-related failure analysis by learning from experienced tutorialists from industry and research.
In order to allow tutorial access independent from competing parallel sessions, the tutorials are embedded as plenary sessions within the regular program. We look forward to welcoming you there.
Radiation effects on components at space level
Robert ECOFFET, CNES (France)
Radiation and COTS at ground level
Jean-Luc AUTRAN and Daniela MUNTEAN, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, IM2NP (France)
FA (=Failure Analysis and Anamnesis) and reliability at system level
Peter JACOB, EMPA Duebendorf (Switzerland)
MEMS Failure modes, FA and reliability challenges
Jérémie DHENNIN, Elemca (France)
Avoiding Flex Cracks in Ceramic Capacitors (CerCaps): Analytical Tool for a Reliable Failure Analysis and Guidance for Positioning CerCaps on PCBs
Gert VOGEL, SIEMENS AG (Germany)
Minimizing Defects by Design for Soldering
Thomas AHRENS, TrainAlytics GmbH (Germany)
Mission profile and reliability on power electronics
Prof. Ke Ma and Prof. Huai WANG, Aalborg University (Denmark)
Peter de Place RIMMEN, Danfoss Power Electronics (Denmark)
Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) for Aircraft Electronics/Power Electronics
Suresh PERINPANAYAGAM, Cranfield University (UK)
Tutorial title
Minimizing Defects by Design for Soldering- Thomas AHRENS, TrainAlytics GmbH (Germany)
Tuesday October 6
8:20 to 9:20
MEMS Failure modes, FA and reliability challenges – Jérémie DHENNIN, Elemca (F)
Tuesday October 6
9:20 to 10:20
Avoiding Flex Cracks in Ceramic Capacitors (CerCaps): Analytical Tool for a Reliable Failure Analysis and Guidance for Positioning CerCaps on PCBs - Gert VOGEL, SIEMENS AG (Germany)
Tuesday October 6
14:00 to 15:00
Radiation effects on components at space level - Robert ECOFFET, CNES (F)
Tuesday October 6
16:20 to 17:00
Radiation and COTS at ground level – Jean-Luc AUTRAN & Daniela MUNTEAN, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, IM2NP (F)
Tuesday October 6
17:00 to 18:00
FA (=Failure Analysis and Anamnesis) and reliability at system level - Peter JACOB, EMPA Duebendorf (Switzerland)
Wednesday October 7
14:20 to 15:40
Mission profile and reliability on power electronics - Prof. Ke Ma and Prof. Huai WANG, Aalborg University / Peter de Place RIMMEN, Danfoss Power Electronics
Wednesday October 7
16:40 to 18:20
Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) for Aircraft Electronics/Power Electronics - Suresh PERINPANAYAGAM, Cranfield University (UK)
Thursday October 8
11:00 to 12:40
Detailed descriptions (pdf)