Sister ConferencesBased on an exchange agreement with the committees of the
authors of awarded papers have been invited to present their work at ESREF 2015. These exchanges prove the fruitful collaboration between the Committees of these three conferences. Similarly, three ESREF2014 best papers, listed hereafter, have been invited to present their work at: ISTFA 2015 IPFA 2015 IRPS 2015
Enter to win the International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA) 2015 Video Contest by submitting your 3 minute (or less) video about an exciting result or artifact - anything goes as long as it relates to electronic device failure analysis! Submit your MPEG or AVI video, max size 50MB, by October 2nd. Audio and subtitles are allowed, and a short description should also be submitted along with all of your complete contact information. Winners will be recognized at this year’s ISTFA, which is taking place in Portland, OR, USA on November 1-5, 2015. The grand prize for the contest is $50, a complimentary registration to a future ISTFA conference, and a 1st place plaque. Lights, camera... ANALYSIS! Last year’s winning submission: Video submission deadline: October 2, 2015 |
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